Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terrier
Terrier Group

Airedale Terrier - General Information

Weight: 45 lbs

Height: 23 inches

Color(s): tan with black or grizzle saddle

Character: Spunky, protective, yet sweet, this breed is not recommended for the average family. Dominance issues can arise if proper training is not started at and early age. The Airedale Terrier can be somewhat stubborn so firm handling is best.

Temperament: The Airedale Terrier is very loyal, and can be a joy to own, but can be difficult at times. Proper training is a must. An intelligent breed, the Airedale Terrier should have an experienced owner. This dog loves to chase small animals, but can do exceptionally well with cats and other dogs, given the dog has had proper socialization.

Care: The hair of this breed is hard and crisp making it rather hard to groom. Dead hair should be plucked at least twice a year. The Airedale Terrier can shed heavily or not at all depending on the cut of the coat. Washing the beard regularly is a must to keep it free from caking.

Training: This breed can be very willful and stubborn at times, but with variety can do very well in sporting events. This dog is very lively and requires an experienced handler. Firm but gentle training is required.

Activity: The Airedale Terrier should have at least an average sized yard available. A very active breed, this dog loves to swim, jog, run, and play so this breed does require extensive exercise. Not recommended for apartment life as they are very active indoors and can become a tyrant if not sufficiently exercised.